29 Jul 2014

More Chaos Spawn - Eyes

I had this idea a while ago, but as usual its taken me ages to finish, but here they are. Five chaos spawn on the theme of eyes, each with an animal flavour.  Cat, Dragon, Goat, Fly, Human.
I added some spikes to the cat, and blades to the goat to add some mutations and interest.
The Human is in fact an ancient corrupted Space Marine, so hes got some long service studs, the remnants of his power armour pack and shoulder pads fused to his body, slowly rusting away. (bonus points if you can spot which chapter he was!)

Some silly ideas, based on some ping pong balls, lots of green stuff and spawn box parts....

Start of modelling
Getting the green stuff done. Base coated. Deciding on Pupils
Getting some texture on.
Start of the painting
Some drybrushing
Nearly there!

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