10 Dec 2012

Smoke Markers

I made myself some destroyed tank markers, as per a video I found on you tube. I'm rather pleased with them, and look forward to seeing my enemies vehicles smoking under their flames :-)

I plan to use them as markers for grenades in other games too.
Very cool idea and a great effect, easily made on the cheap.

18 Nov 2012

Busty Dwarf 1 Finished

Got her done. I learnt a lot doing the ample flesh but I know I got a long way to go to.
I'm pleased with the hair, and realised how many permutations you can play with where hair and fur are concerned. Had fun doing the different metallic tones on the axe too.

I also finished the dog, but forgot to get a photo of it. Doh!

17 Nov 2012

Busty Dwarf 1 update

Getting some base colors down.

15 Nov 2012

Busty Dwarf 1

I got brave tonight, and did my first 'pinning' on a model.  It was a plastic axe head, onto a metal models weapon shaft.
I clipped off the old warhammer head, (and the axe head off the donor dwarf), drilled a tiny hole in the shaft and axe head with my pin vice, pinned them with a small piece of paperclip wire, and superglue it together.
There was a little bit of fiddling about and minor bending to get the axe head looking like it lined up properly, but I'm really pleased with my first attempt :-)

14 Oct 2012

3 Busty Dwarves and a big black dog


Here's the ladies after being cleaned and undercoated. Given that I want to paint them in half decent flesh tones, (there IS a lot of flesh there :-)  I undercoated them in white to make any colours brighter.
There's also a dwarf troll slayer that may or may not end up donating one of his axes, but I really like this figure, so I'm tempted to paint him up and hide him away, but only if I can find another axe to use.

Theres a marked difference in the scale of the heads on the 3 lady dwarves, which I think is a feature of the brand of figs, but I'm not sure. All I know is they are called 'Khor' dwarfs, although given the over sized bosom, they might as well be 'kwoooaaarrr!!!' dwarves, given in a 1970's Sid James voice.

7 Oct 2012

3 Busty Dwarves and a big black dog

Ive been asked to paint up an interesting female dwarf for my mates wife for her D&D 3.0 game. The fig is one of a trio, all of which Ive been given, so i might just do all three :-)
Her character also has a Doberman as a pet companion, so I'm painting up an old blink dog fig I have in doberman colours for her to use.

 Pic of the figures from internet .


After soaking the old painted figs in a cheap version dettol cleaner for 3 days, a scrub with a toothbrush drags off all the old paint. A hearty rinse with the garden hose sprays off any residue. Do this outside if you can, and wear a mask, as dettol can make you feel very sick if you inhale it for many mins up close.

I'll leave them in fresh water for a few days to really get any lingering disinfectant off. I'll then leave them to dry for a good while, but they'll still smell of dettol, but don't worry.

19 Sept 2012

Rhino Done

Managed to get a few hours free last couple evenings, and after some heavy drybrushing (for weathering and sand/dust), washing and detail painting, I got my first rhino done. It was a slightly worse for wear eBay rescue, with things glued to it and some damage. I took off the extra junk (little green demons stuck on...not good) and managed to turn the damage into rusty weapon damage scars. I also turned 2 holes (one is out of shot in the pictures) into Melta Gun fire damage and made them glowing white hot and shiny 'wet' looking with a little 'Ardcoat glaze.  I also added 'Ardcoat to the lights to make them look like glass.
I'm a million miles from being good at this, but I'm rather pleased with my results. Although the pictures don't really do it justice, as I couldn't quite get the light correct.

17 Sept 2012

Rhino Started

I got a 40k Rhino from eBay. It was a very old type, that had been 'converted' into a chaos one. It was thickly painted in red and bronze.

I cut off any daft items, and sprayed it black. I then added a few spikes, and gave it a little dry brushing in silver and grey for metal and dust.
Not looking bad so far for a battered old model!
I intend to add more details, and some shell scarring, and a Melta hole on the front.

Get some!

Made a start on this daft idea. I got a load of random bits of different marines, and a load of guns, and intend to make a "mental marine", waving lots of guns, standing on a pile of skulls.
I'll probably call him "Get Some!" and paint that on his base.
The pieces are coming together....

Finished Cleric

Finished 'Evender', my D&D 3.0 Cohort.

Zombie Hunter

Repainted this guys after about 25 years. Used the new citadel paints. They really are amazing. The jump in quality is quite markedly obvious.
I gave him some modern MTP camo trousers too.
I use him for 40k and Modern games, and recently as a zombie survivalist in GW Shop games useing 40k rules.

Undercoated Chaos

Undercoated my Chaos Marines. Using the very technical "double sided tape on a bit of wood" technique. They came up beautifully. And very easy to do on the wood too.

25 Aug 2012

40k Chaos Obliterators

 Putting together some Obliterators for 40k. What a nightmare. Very fiddly.

Old figs Completed.

Dug out some figs I've had for maybe 25 years, but never finished properly and got them done. Some needed more work than others, but its so nice just to have finished them.

17 Aug 2012

The Elf Tul'aris - Finished

Finally finished the Elf, and I have to say I'm rather pleased!
I went to town on this one, from inking and drybrushing the cloak, down to even using a  coloured glaze over the matching colours on the red and green gems to make them shine.

11 Aug 2012

40k Chaos

Finally started putting together my chaos army. Used to play warhammer, so decided to try 40k this time around but stick to playing chaos like I used to enjoy.

8 Aug 2012

Imperial Guard update.

Got the green wash done. All the camo colors blended nicely now.
The figure on the far right has not been washed in this pic, to show the difference it makes.
(note, they only look shiny cos they are still a bit wet)

And here they are, All done :-)
Glued up, drybrushed, and bases done.
Very happy with these.

5 Aug 2012

The Elf Tul'aris

Painting this fella for a mate of mine. So far, undercoated, and some base colors on.


Face started

Base colors on clothes

Imperial Guard set

Picked up a set of 40k Imperial Guards to have a practice on. Decided to try the new British MTP camo pattern, and its turning out OK so far :-)
MTP. (Multi Terrin Pattern.) 

Undercoated. Base color added.

MTP camo colors done.


Got a green painted Terminator from a mate that was all but finished, to do the base for him. I also did a little green wash, and some highlights to the missile rack and optics. I added some 'Ardcoat to the lenses too to make them look like glass.
Missiles done

Optics painted and varnished.
Green wash added
 Base has texture added.

Base inked then dry brushed.
I was really pleased with
the dust on his boots too :-)


Been getting back into some painting recently, namely painting small 28mm fantasy figures. Did this Greek style warrior from dungeons and dragons with a glowing magic sword.

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