14 Oct 2012

3 Busty Dwarves and a big black dog


Here's the ladies after being cleaned and undercoated. Given that I want to paint them in half decent flesh tones, (there IS a lot of flesh there :-)  I undercoated them in white to make any colours brighter.
There's also a dwarf troll slayer that may or may not end up donating one of his axes, but I really like this figure, so I'm tempted to paint him up and hide him away, but only if I can find another axe to use.

Theres a marked difference in the scale of the heads on the 3 lady dwarves, which I think is a feature of the brand of figs, but I'm not sure. All I know is they are called 'Khor' dwarfs, although given the over sized bosom, they might as well be 'kwoooaaarrr!!!' dwarves, given in a 1970's Sid James voice.

7 Oct 2012

3 Busty Dwarves and a big black dog

Ive been asked to paint up an interesting female dwarf for my mates wife for her D&D 3.0 game. The fig is one of a trio, all of which Ive been given, so i might just do all three :-)
Her character also has a Doberman as a pet companion, so I'm painting up an old blink dog fig I have in doberman colours for her to use.

 Pic of the figures from internet .


After soaking the old painted figs in a cheap version dettol cleaner for 3 days, a scrub with a toothbrush drags off all the old paint. A hearty rinse with the garden hose sprays off any residue. Do this outside if you can, and wear a mask, as dettol can make you feel very sick if you inhale it for many mins up close.

I'll leave them in fresh water for a few days to really get any lingering disinfectant off. I'll then leave them to dry for a good while, but they'll still smell of dettol, but don't worry.

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