14 Jan 2014

Chaos Vindicator

Very pleased to have finished this one. My Chaos Vindicator. I Magnetised the top hatch, so I could add the Gunner, and also fitted a sunken magnet in the hull surface on top, to add a Havoc Launcher.
I went to town with Dark Earth Soil Effect from Tamiya and Dark Earth weathering powder from Humbrol.
I'm really pleased with the final effect, showing a vehicle that ploughs through debris and buildings to get to its firing point.

Aegis Line

New addition finished. The Chaos Aegis line. Well, its an Imperial Guard Aegis line I've battered into chaotic submission :-)

After scraping off and gouging out the imperial eagles, I cut, scraped, drilled and melted various battle damage until I got the desired "10,000 years of battle" look. I then added spikes, horns, barbed wire and makeshift girder defences.  I also added some plasticard 'steel sheeting' to cover holes and reinforce the structure. This was my first time using plasticard and I'm happy to say its lovely to work with.

After base coating in grey, I used layer after layer of Nuln Oil to build up lots of ingrained dirt and natural darkening.
Then I attacked it with a Rust Effect paint by Modelmates. Just a brilliant product.

After some final details and touch ups, it was done. However, the whole process seemed to take weeks to do, as each wash of black took time to do and time to dry completely and daily life got in the way.

The guns were fun to do. I kept them simple, with a black base coat and lots of steel-esque dry brushing.
I did the Icarus Las cannon and Comms relay (both from the Bastion upgrade kit) in the same way, the relay just needing lots more detail (I dont have picture of the relay though)

Hope you like it.

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