27 Feb 2013


Got a piccy now of the dog I did a while ago (thanks for the pic Dave!).
The figure is a 'Blink Dog' that comes from D&D I think, but the dog character it was to represent is a Rottweiler, so as he had a good solid build, I painted him up as a rotty, and I think he came out ok :-)

10 Feb 2013

Time and Balance

Ive been thinking about my painting.  I used to take ages over it and agonise over every brush stroke, and that made it take sooooo long that I got fed up with it.  I lost patience.

I learnt recently that I get the same results (not great ones I admit) if I just 'get the hell on with it' and 'apply brush to model' with less worry. This meant I've actually been finishing models, and that's a GREAT feeling and spurs you on to the next.

The problem now, is I'm worrying that I'm going too fast and not doing a very good job at all.
There's clearly a balance between speed and quality, and I've no idea if I'm striking that balance when I take into account my own (very amateur) skill level.
Then again maybe I'm just worrying unnecessarily, my painting is tolerable for tabletop, and I should just get on with it.


3 Feb 2013

40k Chaos

Finally got the chaos troops put together. Taking a while to get it all done, but its on its way.
Will have a big undercoating session soon, when I got plenty to do, and its dry outside.

Got them done at last. Took a concerted effort to find the time, but they're done and look good.

Now onto the deamon Prince and some Obliteraters :-)

2 Feb 2013

Chaos Lord 40k

Made a start on him.  Glued up, and drilled / magnetised all arms for full choices.
Now primed up.

Finally got him done !
I know I often say 'Finally!'  in a lot of posts, but I feel as though it takes me ages to get anything done.
Ive magnetised him so I can use a selection of weapons at any time.
I like GW, but at their prices I'm not buying one for each load out !

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