5 Mar 2014

Disc of Tzeentch

As daft as it sounds, I really needed a Disc of Tzeentch at short notice. I had a million more important jobs to do, but somehow I managed to squeeze in actually making one from scratch.

A basic Plasticard disc, cut slightly oval to give me an idea of which way was the front, mounted on a flying stand. Then I used Lots of greenstuff cut with some Milliput modelling clay to make the contours and 'meat' of the disc.

At this point I seemed to stop taking photos for some reason. Probably as I was frantically modelling in between more important things like the school run and job hunting!

I added some horns from the chaos Spawn boxset, then after some fiddling about with blue layers, and finally a coating of glossy 'Ardcoat to protect it, then Lhamian Medium to make it matte again, it seemed to come out 'ok'. 

Hopefully you guys think so too :-)

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