9 Jun 2014

Object Source Lighting. Good or bad?

Here's some examples of what I understand "Object Source Lighting" to be.

From the blog - 'From the Warp'
From the blog - Dees Paint Filled Hell Hole

I cant deny it looks very impressive, and having had a go at it I reckon its a very skilled person who can do it, (which is why I couldn't !)  however,  I just cant decide if I actually like it on models.
For some reason, despite its accurate reflection of what a light source would be doing, it kinda strikes me as looking sort of messy. Perhaps I'm just not very artistic or I probably don't have a very good eye for these things.
Perhaps its one of those things that is very black and white in its execution, that unless its done absolutely bang on, its just wrong - do it right or not at all.   I'm not sure.  I'm still rather on the fence about it.

1 comment:

  1. Ive looked at this more and more and I reckon that tank looks more awesome than I thought. Maybe its just humanoid or smaller figures Im not keen on.


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