29 Jul 2013

Chaos Obliteraters

Its taken ages, but after a long afternoon and evening (with my good wife giving me some time to myself), Ive managed to finish these three guys. I'm really pleased and surprised at the results, though this is probably more to do with the new GW paint range than any skill I may have.
Doing these in Finecast has been 1000% easier and more pleasant than dealing with the bloody nightmare thats metal.  My hat goes off to all the guys who ever dealt with metal conversions or fiddly miniatures. Plastic and Finecast allows people like me with less patience and skill to join in the fun.

25 Jul 2013


Just finished this Gnome for the D&D crew.

13 May 2013

Retro Terminator

Found this very old Terminator from around 1980 and as I'm putting together a chaos army for 40k I thought I'd paint him up as an ancient character.

22 Apr 2013


Finished this fella.  Got a bit ahead of myself and decided to try for highlighting. I think it came out ok, and once again I learnt loads. I'm rather proud that my first attempt at wet blending on the sword came out ok too.


10 Apr 2013

The D&D gang

A couple pics of the D&D characters in our group :-)
I'm very happy to have painted them, and more so that the owners are happy.
Just one last Gnome to paint and the gangs all done.....

Until more characters get added...  


7 Apr 2013

Demon Prince

Finished my HQ. A Demon Prince of no specific Chaos God, despite the 6th ed codex now saying we HAVE to be aligned to one.
I'm very happy with him :-)

The Process...

I modified the sword, as the original looked a bit...naff....
Details, base, washes, all done :-)


13 Mar 2013

Laele - Gold Elf

This has been my first Commission of sorts, but I couldn't charge a mate, so he said he do something for me instead. Could be a new bike, or car, maybe that gun I wanted, I'm not fussy, as long as there's chocolate in the deal. :-)

This is the companion D&D character to Tul'Aris I did a while back.
I'm really pleased with the result, and the green robe/dress should really compliment the other figure when they are used together.
Sorry about the quality of a lot of the images, I tend to take snap shots as I go along on my camera phone, and its not that great.

27 Feb 2013


Got a piccy now of the dog I did a while ago (thanks for the pic Dave!).
The figure is a 'Blink Dog' that comes from D&D I think, but the dog character it was to represent is a Rottweiler, so as he had a good solid build, I painted him up as a rotty, and I think he came out ok :-)

10 Feb 2013

Time and Balance

Ive been thinking about my painting.  I used to take ages over it and agonise over every brush stroke, and that made it take sooooo long that I got fed up with it.  I lost patience.

I learnt recently that I get the same results (not great ones I admit) if I just 'get the hell on with it' and 'apply brush to model' with less worry. This meant I've actually been finishing models, and that's a GREAT feeling and spurs you on to the next.

The problem now, is I'm worrying that I'm going too fast and not doing a very good job at all.
There's clearly a balance between speed and quality, and I've no idea if I'm striking that balance when I take into account my own (very amateur) skill level.
Then again maybe I'm just worrying unnecessarily, my painting is tolerable for tabletop, and I should just get on with it.


3 Feb 2013

40k Chaos

Finally got the chaos troops put together. Taking a while to get it all done, but its on its way.
Will have a big undercoating session soon, when I got plenty to do, and its dry outside.

Got them done at last. Took a concerted effort to find the time, but they're done and look good.

Now onto the deamon Prince and some Obliteraters :-)

2 Feb 2013

Chaos Lord 40k

Made a start on him.  Glued up, and drilled / magnetised all arms for full choices.
Now primed up.

Finally got him done !
I know I often say 'Finally!'  in a lot of posts, but I feel as though it takes me ages to get anything done.
Ive magnetised him so I can use a selection of weapons at any time.
I like GW, but at their prices I'm not buying one for each load out !

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