25 Aug 2012

40k Chaos Obliterators

 Putting together some Obliterators for 40k. What a nightmare. Very fiddly.

Old figs Completed.

Dug out some figs I've had for maybe 25 years, but never finished properly and got them done. Some needed more work than others, but its so nice just to have finished them.

17 Aug 2012

The Elf Tul'aris - Finished

Finally finished the Elf, and I have to say I'm rather pleased!
I went to town on this one, from inking and drybrushing the cloak, down to even using a  coloured glaze over the matching colours on the red and green gems to make them shine.

11 Aug 2012

40k Chaos

Finally started putting together my chaos army. Used to play warhammer, so decided to try 40k this time around but stick to playing chaos like I used to enjoy.

8 Aug 2012

Imperial Guard update.

Got the green wash done. All the camo colors blended nicely now.
The figure on the far right has not been washed in this pic, to show the difference it makes.
(note, they only look shiny cos they are still a bit wet)

And here they are, All done :-)
Glued up, drybrushed, and bases done.
Very happy with these.

5 Aug 2012

The Elf Tul'aris

Painting this fella for a mate of mine. So far, undercoated, and some base colors on.


Face started

Base colors on clothes

Imperial Guard set

Picked up a set of 40k Imperial Guards to have a practice on. Decided to try the new British MTP camo pattern, and its turning out OK so far :-)
MTP. (Multi Terrin Pattern.) 

Undercoated. Base color added.

MTP camo colors done.


Got a green painted Terminator from a mate that was all but finished, to do the base for him. I also did a little green wash, and some highlights to the missile rack and optics. I added some 'Ardcoat to the lenses too to make them look like glass.
Missiles done

Optics painted and varnished.
Green wash added
 Base has texture added.

Base inked then dry brushed.
I was really pleased with
the dust on his boots too :-)


Been getting back into some painting recently, namely painting small 28mm fantasy figures. Did this Greek style warrior from dungeons and dragons with a glowing magic sword.

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